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Revision as of 18:47, 10 February 2018 by PedroJM96 (talk | contribs)
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SuperStats is a plugin that collects data from different plugins on different servers to a database, and then is displayed in a menu on any server with a menu.

Placeholders Collected

What information you collect from the plugins. This add-on will collect the following placeholder.

SuperStats:Placeholders Collected


  • Copy the JAR file in the directory of plugins
  • Restart the server to install.
  • (Optional) Install the Web Addon ✪ SuperStats ✪ Web Addon
  • To display data on the web page
  • And enjoy the plugin!.


  • Install the plugin on all servers
  • Configure the servers where you want to collect data (example: SkyWars, PVP, SkyBlock)
    • Configure the stats according to the installed plugin and the data to collect (Example: in the SkyWars server I configure the stats of a SkyWars plugin)
    • To configure the stats of a plugin fence to the stats folder and edit the configuration that has the name of the plugin. Set hook to true and the identifiers to use to true. (Example: kill = true, score = true)
  • Set up on the lobby server with the same database as the other servers and have access to all placeholders of the plugins installed on another server.


Commands Permissions Info
/stats superstats.use Displays the statistics menu
/statsreload superstats.admin to reload the configuration


Permissions Info
superstats.use To use the stats command
superstats.admin To use the statsreload command


public class Example_Stats extends Plugin_Hook {
	public Example_Stats(JavaPlugin plugin) {
	  //super(plugin,false,Name for the plugin configuration,List of data to collect)	
	public String onStatsRequest(Player paramPlayer, String stats) {
		if (paramPlayer == null) {
            return null;
		return String.valueOf("Example Stats 1");	
		return String.valueOf("Example Stats 2");
	return null;