Difference between revisions of "SuperStaffChat:config.yml"

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Latest revision as of 17:22, 12 March 2018

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |       _____                       _____ _         __  __  _____ _           _                | #
# |      / ____|                     / ____| |       / _|/ _|/ ____| |         | |               | #
# |     | (___  _   _ _ __   ___ _ _| (___ | |_ __ _| |_| |_| |    | |__   __ _| |_              | #
# |      \___ \| | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__\___ \| __/ _` |  _|  _| |    | '_ \ / _` | __|             | #
# |      ____) | |_| | |_) |  __/ |  ____) | || (_| | | | | | |____| | | | (_| | |_              | #
# |     |_____/ \__,_| .__/ \___|_| |_____/ \__\__,_|_| |_|  \_____|_| |_|\__,_|\__|             | #
# |                  | |                                                                         | #
# |                  |_|                                                                         | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |  WIKI:        http://en.wiki.pedrojm96.com/SuperStaffChat                                    | #
# |  BUG REPORTS: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/                                              | #
# |  AUTHOR: PedroJM96 (pedrojm96.com)                                                           | #
# |  OFFICIAL SERVER: mc.minepal.net                                                             | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

#The prefix that the plugin will show in the messages.
prefix: '&6SuperStaffChat &e>&7 '

#Check for updates.
update-check: true

#Allow use of colors in chat.
chat-color: true

#The language of the plugin messages (ES,EN).
messages: EN

#To show message to all staff members when a staff member connects.
join-staff-messages: true

#Staff permission to be considered in the /staffonline command
staff-online-permission: staff.online

#Staff permission to be considered when entering the server.
staff-join-permission: staff.join