
From PedroJM96 Wiki EN
Revision as of 05:01, 4 September 2018 by PedroJM96 (talk | contribs)
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# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |    _____                       _           _     _           _____       _                   | #
# |   / ____|                     | |         | |   | |         |  __ \     | |                  | #
# |  | (___  _   _ _ __   ___ _ __| |     ___ | |__ | |__  _   _| |  | | ___| |_   ___  _____    | #
# |   \___ \| | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| |    / _ \| '_ \| '_ \| | | | |  | |/ _ \ | | | \ \/ / _ \   | #
# |   ____) | |_| | |_) |  __/ |  | |___| (_) | |_) | |_) | |_| | |__| |  __/ | |_| |>  <  __/   | #
# |  |_____/ \__,_| .__/ \___|_|  |______\___/|_.__/|_.__/ \__, |_____/ \___|_|\__,_/_/\_\___|   | #
# |               | |                                       __/ |                                | #
# |               |_|                                      |___/                                 | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |  WIKI:                             | #
# |  BUG REPORTS:                       | #
# |  AUTHOR: PedroJM96 (                                                           | #
# |  OFFICIAL SERVER:                                                             | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                          Nodes                                               | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |  name: The name of the item.                                                                 | #
# |  id: The id of the item material (                 | #
# |  data: Information that the command will show.                                               | #
# |  slot: Value of the material type of the item.                                               | #
# |  skull: To use heads with skin. (url:address.png | textures: <Base64 code> | <player>)       | #
# |  commands: Command that is executed when clicking.  (SERVER, PLAYER, CONSOLE, OP,            | #
# |     BROADCAST, GIVE, MONEY, POINTS, TELL,OPEN).                                              | #
# |  delay: Waiting time to reuse the item. Place -1 to disable.                                 | #
# |  lore: The description of the item.                                                          | #
# |  permission: Permission to use the item.                                                     | #
# |  enchant-glow: To add enchantment colors to the items. default false                         | #
# |  version-check: To check if it is the correct version of minecraft.                          | #
# |                    default false (Requires ViaVersion)                                       | #
# |  version-list: List of versions to check in check version.                                   | #
# |  no-version-message: Message to show if the version is not compatible.                       | #
# |                      Use <version> to show compatible versions in the message.               | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | To create more elements, simply copy the previous one and paste it in an empty place..       | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

#List of item.
  name: '&f<10> &5Game Modes &f<10> &7(Right button)'
  id: 335
  data: 0
  slot: 1
  - 'player: menu'
  delay: 5
  name: '&f<10> &5Profile &a<player> &f<10> &7(Right button)'
  id: 397
  data: 3
  slot: 2
  skull: <player>
  - 'player: profile'
  delay: 5
  permission: superlobby.items.skull