Difference between revisions of "SuperCredits:config.yml"

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Line 60: Line 60:
default-balance: 1
default-balance: 1
#If fireworks are sent.
##Firework: true
#If sounds are sent.
#For the database. Supports SQLite and MySQL
##Sound: true
#For the database.
   type: "SQLite"
   type: "SQLite"

Latest revision as of 08:55, 26 January 2019

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |               _____                        _____              _ _ _                          | #
# |              / ____|                      / ____|            | (_) |                         | #
# |             | (___  _   _ _ __   ___ _ __| |     _ __ ___  __| |_| |_ ___                    | #
# |              \___ \| | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| |    | '__/ _ \/ _` | | __/ __|                   | #
# |              __ _) | |_| | |_) |  __/ |  | |____| | |  __/ (_| | | |_\__ \                   | #
# |             |_____/ \__,_| .__/ \___|_|   \_____|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\__|___/                   | #
# |                          | |                                                                 | #
# |                          |_|                                                                 | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |  WIKI:        http://en.wiki.pedrojm96.com/wiki/SuperCredits                                 | #
# |  BUG REPORTS: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/supercredits.190963/                          | #
# |  AUTHOR: PedroJM96 (pedrojm96.com)                                                           | #
# |  OFFICIAL SERVER: mc.pedrojm96.com                                                           | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | For a detailed explanation of the configuration see this page.                               | #
# | http://en.wiki.pedrojm96.com/wiki/SuperCredits:config.yml                                    | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

#Only for developers, do not modify.
debug: false

#The language of the plugin messages. (ES,EN)
messages: EN

#Check for updates.
update-check: true

#The prefix that the plugin will show in the messages.
prefix: '&9&lSuperCredits &8>> &7'

#The command of the currency.
command: credits

#The alias of the currency.
- creditos
- yourcreditname

#The name of the currency.
credits-name: '&9Credits'

#Name of the currency in plural.
credits-name-plural: 'Credits'

#Name of the currency in the singular
credits-name-singular: 'Credit'

#Use plugin as vaul currency.
vault: false

#The balance by default.
default-balance: 1

#For the database. Supports SQLite and MySQL
  type: "SQLite"
  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  database: minecraft
  username: root
  password: '1234'